NFT Ownership Rights Lawyers
Begin assessing the risks and challenges of NFTs Now!
To obtain an accurate, opinion from PAIL® Solicitors about your case or matter please contact us via the above form at (020) 7305-7491 or at we would be delighted to assist you. PAIL® Solicitors is a digital technologies specialist. Peter Adediran's specialist niche areas of practice are digital media business SMEs and IP, both contentious and non-contentious. (Charge rates may vary).
Who owns an NFT?
An NFT non-fungible token is a digital representation of a stake in an underlying asset minted into the blockchain which is not interchangeable. Therefore there is the token and there is also the underlying asset that it represents in whole or in part. The creator of the underlying asset owns the asset and the creator of the NFT owns the the NFT. Sometimes but not always the same person can create both the underlying assets and the NFT or the underlying assets and the NFT can be created by multiple people who will all share in the ownership rights.
What Are NFT Disputes Usually About?
NFT disputes can come in many forms including scams and fraud, but many disputes are between the owners or co-owners of NFTs. These include disputes between the creators of the underlying assets and NFTs and/or the co-creators of the NFTs and/or the co-creators of the NFTs as to ownership and/or proportions of co-ownership. Disputes also arise between owners of the underlying works and the buyers of the NFTs.
No matter what type of dispute you are having with your NFTs we can assist you to resolve them.