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Expert Online Content Removal Solicitor

Strengthen your online reputation with expert Online Content Removal Solicitors. Effectively defend your digital presence from harmful content

Expert Online Content Removal Lawyer

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Online content removal Solicitors

Reputation Management & Defamation Expert Lawyer

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PAIL® Solicitors offer expertise and over a decade of experience in taking legal action against online defamation; harassment; cyber-mobbing; or trolling quickly and successfully. Contact us using the below form or at or on 0207 305-7491

Online content removal is a complex and often lengthy process. Attempting to remove content on a low budget is like trying to empty the ocean with a bucket. In cases where the parties responsible for the content are anonymous, along with other challenges such as jurisdictional issues, removing content becomes a significant task that demands resources, expertise, time, and effort. Any process involving court proceedings can be costly. It’s advisable to seek an initial assessment of your chances of success before entering into legal proceedings. The cost of this opinion could save you from incurring substantial wasted expenses later on.



We undertake the removal of all online libellous, malicious falsehood and otherwise unlawful content from a single website for a fixed fee quotation as follows:

removing articles from social media online

stopping cyberbullying and online harassment Including taking down  fake social media profiles (including Linkedin, and web domains) 

removal of photos copied without permission and published

Deletion of URLs

removal of false damaging reviews

So that we maintain our high success rate, we only take on online content removal and harassment cases that meet the following specific criteria:

  1. Statements must be false or partly false

  2. Clear stated objectives

  3. Availability of evidence and

  4. Importance to client

If you do not fulfil at least one of those criteria you should not proceed. You must have evidence that the postings about you are false, not genuine, out of date, (no longer in the public interest) or are maliciously motivated.

The fees we charge are calculated on :

  1. the number of websites that contain unwanted content

  2. the number of URLs; and

  3. the number of people involved both victims and perpetrators.

The work for the fixed fee would entail:


Issuing take-down notices to the relevant website and internet service provider and all correspondence


Issuing take-down notices to the person or persons responsible for the reviews and all correspondence


Issuing & serving claim and injunction application.


Issuing & serving claim and injunction application.

There is a basic fee for the removal of content but additional fees are added due to factors mentioned above.

Please note that in 75% of cases A to D is enough to achieve content removal.

Our methods are generally very successful. 

However, we cannot guarantee that all parties notified shall remove content with A to D alone.  We cannot guarantee that parties shan’t be foolish and repost any removed content. Reposting could happen during the tenure of our activity or afterwards.

The fee is payable in two stages:

Step One - A & B

Step Two - C & D

  • If you do not require C & D there will be no further fees payable after the first payment.

  •  The timescale for the content removal is usually three to six months.

  •  For the above quote our services shall include issuing a court claim and service upon all parties. 

  •  We can represent you to finish all court proceedings should you so wish and subject to agreeing fixed fees.

 You cannot unilaterally decide not to proceed once you have entered into an agreement for us to provide the service.

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Online Content Removal

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To proceed please download, fill in and send us your online content removal form indicating your budget by email:

Additional Information On Online Content Removal

Online Content Removal Lawyer

Online Content Protection

Online Content Removal Lawyer

Additional Information


Did you know that your digital footprint is one of your most essential identifiers today? Your digital footprint determines how well you perform as a business and as an individual in the digital world. A negative digital footprint can adversely affect your digital popularity directly connected to the revenue generated from that popularity, corporate relations and financial engagements. It is essential to manage your digital footprint for any stakeholder in the digital world monetising digital content through engagement, whether in business mentoring, personal development, health and wellness, lifestyle, whatever the industry or media.

In the UK, UKGDPR  protects the individual's personal information. You can also protect your reputation using copyright protection, defamation and harassment laws, amongst many other laws.

Which Online Content can we Help you Remove?

1. Private personal data that may lead to identity theft

The Google Service Agreement protects the personal data of every user. Personal data includes information such as signatures, bank account details and credit card information. False information that damages the reputation of a business or a person can also be removed, as can publications that constitute harassment in that they misuse private information or cause distress.

3. Sexually explicit information

Sexually explicit information includes audio and visual content that relates to or describes sexual conduct. In fact, any communication, language or material referring to sexual intercourse, sexual abuse, the genitals or pubic area of a person is sexual explicit information. It includes private nude content which was mistakenly made public, sexual content involving minors, or non-consensual publicised sexual content.

2. Information falling under the right to erasure

Under Article 17 of the UKGDPR, every person has a right to have their information 'forgotten'. One can make an oral or written request for the enforcement of this right. Even so, this right is not absolute. It applies under certain circumstances, including when:

  1. an individual withdraws their consent to the use or processing of data; or
  2. the original purpose of the data collection has lapsed; or
  3. the data related to services offered to a child.

The UK Courts in 2018 set out the limits of the Right To Be Forgotten concerning UK citizens. In (1) NT1 & (2) NT2 v Google LLC [2018] EWHC 799 , two individuals identified as NT1 and NT2 challenged Google to remove information relating to their prior convictions. The High Court held that conviction information on NT2 was no longer related to his current business and ordered Google to erase this information. NT1 had been convicted of false accounting and still dealt in the accounting business, and, as such, the information on his conviction was still essential to people engaging with him in business; the Court denied his request.

From these cases, it is evident that the right to erasure may, therefore, be limited when the published information is of public interest.

Online Content Removal Lawyer

Online Content Removal Lawyer

Damaging information may include personal posts or third-party information posted on another party's website. In both instances, it is essential to work swiftly to get the content removed.

At Pail solicitors, we help clients manage their online reputation by removing damaging online content and effectively updating their data and rebuilding their online presence.

Where it is impossible to remove damaging online content, we offer support through our partners within our digital ecosystem by suppressing negative information.

Where there has been a gross violation of your right to privacy, our legal team can also help you seek legal recourse, including seeking an injunction order to de-index the hosting websites.

How to Remove Damaging Online Content ?

Our multi-disciplinary network of experts applies different methodologies to help our clients in online content removal. The methods used depend on the specific circumstances and facts of the case. Our techniques include

1. Deleting Information at the Source

Deleting the information at the source is a simple process of elimination. It works effectively when the wrongdoer posts the online content from their own controlled site. Where the wrongdoer posts harmful content on a third party site, it is more complicated. Removal is subject to the terms and conditions and the third party, and their cooperation is required, especially where the wrongdoer's identity is withheld. Consequentially pre-action disclosure or US District Court Subpoena applications are often required.

3. Cease and desist letters

When someone posts your nude photos or videos online, when images portray underage nudity or sexual abuse, or when there is an evident violation of the Google terms of service, you can flag the content or submit a form requesting the removal of the content. Acting promptly in these situations ensures that there is a prompt arrest of the violation.

The cease and desist letter details that civil action will follow if the other party fails to comply with the demand to remove the content. During the removal of online content, an ineffective cease and desist letter can lead to the Streisand Effect , as such, it is essential to contract the services of legal specialists.

5. Submitting Content Removal Requests and Flagging the Terms of Service

Cease and desist letters are formal demand letters that request the party violating your rights to take down the harmful content. When drafted well, it is a quick means of resolving disputes relating to digital data.

As online content removal experts, our goal is to ensure the protection of Users in online spaces. We combine different methods of data deletion and recovery as required. In addition to these, we can initiate legal action to help you recover damages where appropriate.

2. Getting Court Orders

Court orders are the most effective way of ring-fencing the offender's activities because they can be applied to the person and not just the content so they can't repost on new sites.

We are experts in digital reputation management , data protection, defamation and harassment and Intellectual property law. We use our expertise in the practice areas aforementioned to bring relevant claims, including injunction orders.

4. DMCA Notice and Takedowns

At Pail , we help digital content creators protect their copyright globally. DMCA procedures are pinned on the guidelines set out in the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA). The takedowns are effective when your copyright is violated on all major sites, including Facebook, Youtube, Pinterest, Instagram, Twitter, and E-bay.

A DMCA notice is used to remove copyright information owned by you and has been used without your consent and knowledge. A DMCA notice is effective for both personal and corporate protection. For instance, if an agency has used your photographs outside the scope of the license granted you can claim a copyright infringement and file a DMCA claim for its takedown. This process involves identifying the breach, highlighting your evidence, filing the DMCA complaint notice with the relevant host.

Where a DMCA notice has been issued or a YouTube takedown complaint is made against your YouTube Channel, we can help you file YouTube counter-notices.

As online content removal experts, our goal is to ensure the protection of Users in online spaces. We combine different methods of data deletion and recovery as required. In addition to these, we can initiate legal action to help you recover damages where appropriate.


Online content removal may take between two weeks and two years to complete. The process is exceptionally lengthy when it involves court proceedings. In addition to online content removal via our partner's digital ecosystem, we also offer an Online Reputation Management service that is not only legal centric.

 Online Reputation Management is effective in minimising the negative implications of the circulation of harmful data. It also helps rebuild your profile and online footprint where it is impossible to delete some harmful content. While Online Reputation Management helps injured parties, we also have a package that specifically caters to new users who want to build and push their brands through online media.

Pail has combined expertise in digital legal technologies with marketing and public relations strategies. As such, our expansion into digital markets allows us to effectively support you in content development, SEO marketing, and digital risk protection.

Through our ORM plan, we help you by:

1.     Supporting the visibility and positive outlook of your business and personal profile.

Essentially, we help you track and respond to reviews, develop targeted marketing content depending on your specific needs, and shape a digital narrative that supports your growth and expansion

2.     Identifying harmful content that damages your online footprint

Here, we identify threatening content, including unwarranted negative reviews and defaming content.

3.     Deleting and suppressing the harmful content

Our team identify harmful online content and suppress or de-index it. We also help you build and sustain an online footprint that supports your growth, expansion and dominance in your specific niche by re-shaping your online presence through re-written and new content.

 Online Reputation Management Where One Can Not Delete Negative Online Data

·       Did you know that your employer probably checked your online profile before hiring you?

·       Similarly, as a business, do you know that, on average, consumers do up to 4 searches of your business before engaging?

These facts create an urgency for managing your online presence even where our requests or litigation claims cannot delete harmful online data and press.

In such case, we support you by:

1.Submitting a de-indexing request

De-indexing requests are a great follow-up to flagged content. Essentially, the request compels the hosting company to suppress the offending content from appearing in the search results. Given that Google accounts for up to 90% of all online searches, de-indexing on the site is highly effective in limiting the harmful exposure of an individual or company.

2.Updating and changing online content

Where online content cannot be de-indexed, we can help you request its update and change. This method is especially effective for editorial content such as news reports. It works best if there has been a change of circumstances or results.

 3.Suppressing the negative content

When did you last scroll through the results of Page 3 in the Google Search results?

Your answer, more often than not, will be never!

As such, where de-indexing or updating content is not possible, you should suppress the harmful content. Suppressing negative data relies upon the findings that more than 75% of the total population never goes past page 1 of the search engine results. Of the remaining 25%, few will go past page 2, and even fewer make it to page 3 onwards.

In addition to this, the first organic search result attracts up to 35% of the users. As such, suppressing harmful online data can positively impact limiting negative exposure and expanding your online reach. Our Online Reputation Management team use SEO marketing tools to increase your positive visibility. It not only helps you suppress harmful data, but it also guides you on how to develop and publish newer positive content, which ranks higher in the Search Engines.

Internet marketing is an organic way of drawing new consumers to your business. To sustain a good rapport with consumers, you must do several things. These include:

Responding to consumers in a timely and effective manner.

Due to enhanced connectivity, users expect prompt feedback on issues raised through social media. If such feedback is not relayed within 24 hours, they become frustrated and give the business a negative review. According to this research findings, 94% of users avoid a business upon reading a negative review. By effectively listening to consumers and responding to their online prompts, a company can avoid negative reviews and effectively maintain a positive reputation online.

Owning up to mistakes

BLike natural persons, companies also make honest mistakes that potentially affect their corporate image and digital footprint. They ought to respond to such issues with an empathetic and apologetic outlook. It helps to draft policies to regulate the issues affecting the business. Pail can support your organisations by offering relevant training and helping draft essential legal policies to govern your corporate relations, including terms and conditions and GDPR related policies.

While online content removal and online reputation management appear to be manageable tasks, a simple mistake can be costly to your business. As such, you must seek the guidance and services of professionals.

Useful Links

Reputation Management

Harassment Lawyers

Online Defamation