Protecting Creativity, Safeguarding Success


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In today's rapidly evolving digital landscape, staying informed and increasing knowledge in specialized legal services is crucial for e-commerce and digital technology businesses. At PAIL® Solicitors, we understand the unique challenges faced by start-ups, medium-sized companies, and creative agencies in protecting their intellectual property and navigating legal complexities. By focusing on continuous learning and expertise in these areas, businesses can safeguard their reputation, make informed financial decisions, and seamlessly expand into new markets with confidence.

Our blog is dedicated to providing valuable insights and updates on legal trends affecting e-commerce, social media channels, and digital design industries. With PAIL® Solicitors, you'll gain access to expert advice on mitigating risks, understanding potential legal barriers, and ensuring compliance when hiring international contractors or employees. By staying engaged with our content, your business will be better equipped to handle legal challenges, save time and money, and thrive in the competitive digital marketplace.

Legal Alert: Do not take witness statements lightly!
Warning: Don’t Make Cyberbullying + Reputation Management Pre-Action Protocol Mistakes
Why you must protect your brand in the fashion industry?
David v Goliath - Small Business Fights Back At Trademark Bullying
Ten tips for social media influencer agreements

As the social trend continues to grow exponentially, the role of social media in promoting brands becomes even more crucial. There are several different ways of dealing with copyright content produced for the campaign. The most common is to own the content but give a license to the influencer to share the content.

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How to deal with cease and desist intellectual property enforcement threats?

Knowing how to deal with a cease and desist letter alleging trademark, patent or design rights infringement is just as important as writing a balanced letter alleging unlawful use of IP assets.

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Mobile App or Website Development Process – a legal perspective

Apps are a work in progress, and there will always be iterations and improvements. If there are changes to how the data, functionality or feature is organized or used, a lawyer should review this.

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Worldwide Removal of Online Content Piesczek v Facebook 03 October 2019
Could Your Business Face A Lawsuit Over the Website Accessibility Regulations 2018?
EU Copyright Directive 2019 Backs Creatives
Three Essential Reasons Why App Trademarks are different
Guide to Internet defamation
UK Online Defamation Lawyer Explains EU Jurisdiction
What are ten important things to consider when making shareholder agreements for small businesses?
9 questions small business retailers need to ask lawyers about their designs
Google Ads Trademark Liability Win
Is your company ready to defend against a data protection compensation claim?
Part 36 Offer of Settlement in the Intellectual Property Enterprise Court (IPEC)?
4 Legal Issues Building Website Mobile Applications in 2018
How to defend digital copyright claims (what claimants and defendants can learn)?